Friday, January 31, 2014

Mr. President!

Dear Mr. President,

Your recent comment about marijuana just shows how little you know.
Your daughters have the advantage of coming home to a supervised home WITH AN INTACT FAMILY.  They do not go home to an empty apartment or HOUSE like so many AMERICAN children do.  Your children will have guidance (although after your stupid statement I worry about what type of guidance) on the subject of marijuana many kids will not EVER HAVE.  I have been a volunteer/board member of the Boys and Girls Club and tutored children in schools to bring them up to grade level.  I can tell you many of these kids are beating the odds but when someone they admire and want to grow up to emulate makes an IDIOTIC stupid comment, we lose more kids and it makes our job much harder.
I have a 20-year-old son and one of the lessons I have tried to teach him is “just because you think it, does not give you the right to say it.”  When he was in 7th grade a boy was suspended because he hit my son.  I asked "why he hit my son" and he said "he called me Fat".  I made the school suspend my son.

Mr. President you are welcome to voice your opinion when you can do so from experience as a parent.  When Sasha and Malia EXPERIMENT WITH pot and you see first hand "THAT IT IS NO WORSE THAN ALCOHOL", then you are entitled to an opinion.  Your opinion should be based on YOUR PERSONAL experience.  Because you think it, does not give you the right to say it.  You should just go up to all the volunteers trying to help mentor kids and slap us in the face.  It would have been much easier on us and at least the children would be protected.

The reality of what you have done is made impressionable kids think marijuana is OK.  For the kids that have the hardest odds against them, you have just made it harder. Does this make you feel proud? Do you feel like a hip parent?

Sissy Lappin 

1 comment:

  1. The president had made the life of some kids quite horrible which is not acceptable, and i think people or the government should think of it before taking any final decisions.
